Looking back on your heating bills from last year, were you satisfied with your furnace’s performance? Do you feel like your system should be operating more efficiently than it is? Today we want to help you with some of your utility bill-woes and provide you with three ways you can plan for better furnace efficiency this winter!

Energy savings will depend on your furnace’s efficiency

Before we get into how you can plan for better furnace efficiency this winter, it’s important to note that your furnace’s efficiency rating plays a big role in the amount of energy your heating system consumes. No matter how many steps you take to ensure your furnace operates at its peak efficiency, a low-efficiency furnace will always operate inefficiently. So along with the tips, we listed below, consider upgrading to a higher-efficiency furnace if your current system has a low AFUE rating.

3 ways to plan for better furnace efficiency this winter

  • Schedule your furnace tune-up. A furnace that gets a tune-up every year will always outperform a similar system that does not get annual maintenance. That’s because the tasks we perform on your heating system during a tune-up are essential if you want your furnace to perform at its maximum efficiency. You can make up for much of the money you spend on a tune-up through future savings on your utility bills!
  • Set reminders for air filter changes. A dirty air filter can significantly lower your furnace’s efficiency. The longer you let your furnace operate with a dirty filter, the more energy your system will consume. You can plan for your air filter changes this winter by setting monthly reminders in your calendar or signing up for free monthly email reminders from Jerry Kelly Heating & Air Conditioning!
  • Plan now for your thermostat settings. If you have a programmable thermostat in your home, now is a good time to plan your energy-saving temperature settings for this winter. Think about your family’s schedule throughout the winter months and identify times of the day when you can take advantage of an empty house by lowering your thermostat 8-10 degrees. This type of strategic planning can significantly improve your furnace’s efficiency!

If you have any questions about improving your furnace’s efficiency this winter, or if you’d like a heating and cooling system serviced or installed in your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating & Air Conditioning, your St. Louis area heating and air conditioning contractor. We service the St. Louis area, including towns like St. Charles, St. Peters, and Town and Country.

photo credit: cafemama via photopin cc

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